Thursday 3 March 2011

Technology and Culture day

This morning saw us at the Natural History Museum, being awed by the wonders of the universe in the planetarium- so much to see there, but so little time!  A lovely walk through Central Park took us to the Apple Store for lots of hands-on interaction with all the latest technology- I asked one of the assistants (Mr Jobs, I think he was called) if we could play on the new iPad, but he wasn't having any of it.  I need to go back to him and see him tomorrow over the failure of his technolgy- more of that later...)
Next stop was Sony Wonderlab where  we performed virtual  open-heart  surgery, presented a news program and  created motion capture animation- all good fun.
The end of our last full day was spent celebrating Joels 18th Birthday in the Hard Rock Cafe in Times Square.  A great atmosphere topped off by the waiter bringing the entire restaurant to a standstill by getting everyone to sing Happy Birthday.
I had been taking photos and videos on the ipod touch, but after failing to upload it , all of this has now disappeared, thus my annoyance with Apple...

Anyway, last day tomorrow, at the UN.  Lots of issues to raise in our private meeting with Ban Ki Moon.  I've got Libya, Zimbabwe, Iran, Iraq and North Korea on my agenda.  Diplomacy is not one of my greatest assets...

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