Tuesday 1 March 2011

Day 2

An outstanding day looking at marketing aspects of business in New York. At Macy's we have learnt all about merchandising, product placement and marketing (with some of the group taking advantage of a 10% discount card).  Our guide was the most informed and entertaining person- he even demonstrated that most un-American quality of sarcasm!  He managed to open our eyes to the reasons why this store is laid out as it is, and how they try to encourage more money out of our pockets.
A swift lunch later (Double Baconnator at Wendy's) found us in a seminar laid on by Madame Tussauds- bringing together the Merlin entertainment group as a global leader in the leisure industry- succinctly describing themselves as "chasing the Mouse" (Disney).  As ever, the group was keen, attentive, and interested in the presentations.  Following the presentation we had the opportunity to visit the attraction, and you can see some of the photos below.  The highlight of this had to be the student I(who shall remain unnamed) who ran screaming through the place when surprised by the actors in the "Scream" exhibit!

Final stop of a packed day was up the Empire State Building where we were blessed with an exceptionally clear day.

A few tired feet this evening, recharging for another busy time in the Financial District tomorrow.

(I did get really hi-tech and recorded some video for this, but technical difficulties have prevented this!)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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